Travertine │ Kaan Gümüş

   Natural stones are preffered for being eco-friendly material as well as enriching the structures with an aesthetic form. They requires less processing in the production rather than synthetic materials, providing more energy efficiency. Travertine is one of them. Due to being Qalsit-based material, travertine is relative with marble and limestone. Despite of being relative. There are many physical and chemical differences between them. These differences induce travertine to be preffered at different conditions. 


Types and Classification

   Travertine is classified according to cutting direction of the blocks, extracted from the quarry. If the blocks are cut perpendicularly, It will be called as Vein Cut. If the blocks are cut Horizantally, It will be called as Cross Cut.

   Moreover, there are some different types of travertine slabs according to the color. However, the place that they were extracted can affect the color and proporties.

Production Process

   Extracted blocks are moved to the factory. 3 tons blocks are cut by the parallel saws with water assistance. After a small heating process, slabs are ready to filling and polishing operations according to the order. Then, slabs are become ready for distribution. Designer can choose both mechanical (bracket etc.) and wet (with adhesive) connection according to the design idea.


Jumex Museum, Mexico City

 Comparison with the Relative Stones

   These graphics are showing the conditions of the travertine and its relatives according to the natural and artificial impacts. It is significant to use these informations during the designing process to know how and where travertine or other materials can be used.

-Museums As Art. Details, 07404921, Sep2014, Cilt 32, Sayı 10 
-Accredited Natural Stone Analysis Laboratory, Analysis report of Denizli Travertine, Başaranlar Marble and Travertine
-Energy Ministry, Mine research headquarters, Mine Analysis and Technology head of department, Analysis/Test Report of Limra Limestone
- Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of engineering,Department of Mining Engineering, Natural Stone Technology Laboratory, Technical report of Milas Lilac Marble



